Adam N. Summers, M.D.
Maryland Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Spa

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Lutisha, Baltimore

I have always been "shy" about my breast size...or lack there of...and had wanted implants from early on. After 3 children I still had no breasts and finally decided to "bite the bullet". I had my procedure done in May of 2005 at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center and loved, loved, loved the results... A couple months ago (and 4 years after my initial augmentation) I noticed some almost immediate volume decrease in my left breast. I called Dr. Summers office and his staff promptly set me up an appointment to check it out. Within less than a week I was back on the table having my implant replaced (at no cost to me) and it had turned out to be a defect in the implant valve. Dr. Summers was as amazing with my replacement implant as he was with the initial implant...which concerned me initially as I wrongly assumed that since it was covered under the warranty that I would not be as much of a "priority" as "paying" clients. I was certainly wrong about that aspect as Dr. Summers was more than willing to resolve my issue as quickly as possible. I am contemplating liposuction or maybe a tummy tuck... When I decide to do it Dr. Summers will be my first choice!! For anyone out there contemplating a procedure...set yourself up a consult with Dr. will walk out of his office with confidence in him as your surgeon as well looking forward to a date for your procedure...what are you waiting for?