Literally thousands of liposuction patients have visited Baltimore cosmetic surgeon Dr. Summers at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center to achieve a reduction in love handles, saddlebags, double-chins, bulges around the waistline, or other unsightly fatty deposits. When diet and exercise alone is not enough to reduce these fatty deposits, liposuction patients seek Dr. Summers to assist in the slimming and trimming of their figures. He has dedicated his professional career to helping each Maryland and Baltimore liposuction patient enjoy a healthy and happy life after treatment at his state-of-the-art surgical facility.
As liposuction is one of the most popular of plastic surgery procedures, Dr. Summers has spent much of his time performing this procedure. As a result of his dedication to mastering this surgical technique, many consider Dr. Summers to be a top Maryland liposuction specialist. In the paragraphs below, Dr. Summers describes the liposuction procedure and how he can help you enjoy a slimmer figure.
Liposuction is a body-sculpting procedure that has helped many Baltimore liposuction patients remove fat that is unresponsive to dieting and exercising. This procedure can be applied to nearly any area of the body and is commonly used on multiple areas during an operation. Liposuction results in a slimmer and better proportioned figure. Through the use of liposuction, Annapolis and Baltimore patients have achieved a better shape and a more beautiful body.
Through tiny incisions, Dr. Summers inserts small tubes (cannulas) to suction away the fat deposits. With tumescent liposuction, fluid containing novocaine and adreneline is injected into the fat prior to liposuction – this results in numbness of the area and prevents bleeding. Ultrasonic liposuction involves the addition of an ultrasonic probe to the tumscent liposuction procedure. The probe literally “melts” the fat, resulting in a much less traumatic procedure (e.g. less pain and less bruising, resulting in faster recovery). Dr. Summers performs both traditional tumsecent liposuction, ultrasonic liposuction (commonly referred to as “Vaser Liposuction”), and laser liposuction (commonly referred to as “SMART Liposuction”) at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center.
There are two layers or compartments of fat on your body – a superficial layer which has an even thickness over most of the body, and deep compartments. The deep compartments exist mainly in the areas mentioned above. If you are not overweight, but have a localized buldge in these areas, you have excess fat in the deep compartment. Deposits of deep compartment fat are hereditary, and usually do not respond normally to diet and exercise. Superficial compartment fat, on the other hand, increases significantly with weight and decreases with weight loss. Suction lipoplasty primarily removes deep compartment fat deposits to remove bulges.
The quality and elasticity of the overlying skin has a major impact on the success of suction lipoplasty. When fat is suctioned to remove a bulge, the overlying skin must shrink or contract to fit the new profile. If your skin is excessively lax before the procedure, the additional looseness after suctioning may be undesirable. Also, although there is no absolute age at which the skin becomes too loose for the procedure, after age 45 (or occasionally sooner), the elasticity of the skin begins to decrease in many patients. If excess skin is present or if the elasticity is poor, you may require excision or tightening of some tissue for an optimal result. Dr. Summers will discuss the elasticity of your skin during your consultation at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center.
In summary, liposuction is not a replacement for proper exercise and diet. Instead, liposuction is a reduction procedure for stubborn areas where fat accumulates. When performed across several areas of the body, liposuction can provide a well proportioned body appearance. Ideal surgical candidates are those already in good physical condition but having stubborn areas that do not respond to diet and exercise. A good candidate for suction lipoplasty should have localized fat deposits, be within 20 pounds of their goal weight (not necessarily their “ideal body weight”), and have reasonably elastic skin overlying the areas of concern.
Liposuction will help your clothing fit better, as well as improve your appearance in a bathing suit. After liposuction, Baltimore and Annapolis patients frequently describe the ability to buy clothes that “really fit” – they don’t have to buy larger sizes to accommodate the areas of excessive fatty tissue accumulation.
Suction lipoplasty is not designed for weight reduction. It is a contouring procedure, removing bulges to blend body outlines more aesthetically.
Areas of the body where fat deposits can cause localized bulges include the neck, upper arms, upper and lower abdomen, flank areas (love handles), inner thighs, outer thighs and hips (saddlebags), buttocks, knee areas, calves, and ankles.
If you have a rippled or “cellulite” appearance of the skin prior to suction, it may become more noticable following the procedure. It is possible to see small areas of skin rippling, dimpling, or contour irregularities following suction lipoplasty. In order to reduce this possibility, Dr. Summers provides four complimentary Endermologie treatments for patients with significant cellulite who desire liposuction — additional Endermologie treatments may be purchased if the patient is pleased with the initial results.
Before your suction lipoplasty procedure at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Summers will very carefully outline the areas of bulging which are to be suctioned and draw detailed lines to further define the shape and contour characteristics of the fat deposit.
Tiny incisions are made in concealed areas, where possible, and then tumescent fluid is injected into the tissues. This helps to reduce bleeding and helps provide comfort after the procedure. small suction tubes are inserted to the proper depth of the fat deposit. The tube or cannula is then passed back and forth until an appropriate amount of fat has been re-moved. In the case of ultrasonic liposuction (VASER Liposuction) or laser liposuction (SMART Liposuction), a ultrasonic or laser probe is first inserted to melt the fat. The cannula is then inserted to removed the melted fat. The entire bulging area is treated in this fashion, carefully removing small amounts at a time, and constantly checking fat thickness and contour as suctioning proceeds.
After suctioning is complete in one area, the opposite side is treated in the same way, comparing the two sides and adjusting to best match. Finally, the incisions are carefully closed, and an elastic garment or dressing is placed to put gentle pressure on the skin and prevent excess fluid accumulating in the area suctioned.
All of your incisions will be carefully closed with stitches. You’ll be able to shower immediately after the procedure. Liposuction can last from thirty minutes to several hours depending upon the amount of fat to be removed.
After liposuction in Maryland, patients typically have mild to moderate discomfort. Many patients compare the discomfort to the muscle soreness one gets from exercising after a long period of inactivity. The discomfort is readily controlled with medication. Most patients are able to return to light work-related activities and social activities in 2-3 days.
We encourage return to full normal activity as soon as possible. Just don’t do any type of strenuous exercise that would push your pulse over 100 for about two to three weeks. Any aerobic activity that increases your pulse over 100 also increases your blood pressure, and could make you bleed.
To minimize fluid collection and swelling in the treated areas, we’ll ask you to wear an elastic garment we provide for three weeks after surgery — this may vary depending on the areas and extent of your procedure.
You will have some swelling, bruising, and numbness over the treated areas. These usually resolve in 2-3 weeks or sooner, and you’ll notice feeling starting to return (if it was decreased) in about 2 weeks. Although you’ll see an immediate contour change, it may take up to 6 months for complete resolution of swelling, especially in the thighs.
In addition to liposuction, Baltimore and Annapolis liposuction patients have enjoyed the added benefit of an abdominoplasty procedure to tone, tighten, and flatten the stomach. After undergoing tummy tuck in Maryland, patients enjoy a slimmer, more sculpted figure. Liposuction can also be combined with body lift and can be performed as part of the Brazilian butt lift in Maryland. To learn more about these procedures, please explore the respective pages.
Dr. Summers is listed as a Baltimore liposuction specialist on the PerfectYourself Liposuction resource, which you may visit for additional information.
Click on a question below to see the answer.
A: There several important factors that come into play when deciding whether plastic surgery is the right option for you. One of the most important factors is your health. Being in good health greatly reduces the risk of complications occurring during surgery and leads to a speedy recovery. Next, you need to ask yourself what your motivations are. People who have plastic surgery generally find that the surgery enhances their overall appearance and self-esteem. Thirdly, you should have realistic expectations. Plastic surgery is both a science and an art, neither of which are perfect. Set reasonable goals as to the result you wish to achieve and be prepared to thoroughly discuss these goals during your initial consultation.
A: It is a relatively common practice for a plastic surgeon to perform multiple procedures during one operation. This allows the surgeon to better “sculpt” your final appearance. In addition, having several procedures done simultaneously saves you the expense of paying the operating room and anesthesia costs more than once. However, having too much done at one time can lead to complications. The decision to have multiple procedures done depends on which procedures are being done, the extent of surgery, the operating time, and your age/health. Ultimately, the surgeon decides whether or not it is appropriate to include more than one procedure in your operation.
A: Due to the variety of procedures available in plastic surgery, there can be no blanket rule on age although age will be taken into consideration when planning your operation. People of all ages have taken advantage of the image-enhancement offered by plastic surgery. There are even procedures appropriate for young children! It is important to realize the limitations of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery cannot “fix” every situation or reverse the aging process. What is a good procedure for one person may not be an appropriate procedure for another. We are committed to making your plastic surgery experience a successful one.
A: During your consultation we will discuss your desired changes and expectations, review your medical history and current health, and make an assessment on whether the procedure(s) in question are right for you. This is a good time to ask specific questions about the procedure so that you are fully prepared, mentally and emotionally, for surgery. We will discuss the results that can be achieved, with the aid of photos and/or computer imaging. When a final decision is made, you will need to sign an informed consent stating that you are fully aware and understand what is entailed by your pending operation, including the potential complications and secondary effects.
A: Generally, post-operative instructions call for rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and recovery time. The length of recovery varies with each procedure and is different for each individual. Bruises usually disappear within a few days, and most swelling is gone in a matter of weeks. If you follow our post-operative instructions carefully, you will be able to enjoy your normal activities within no time. Your scars will fade over time but are permanent. We take care to conceal any scars so that they are barely visible, if at all. The image-enhancing effects of plastic surgery become more evident over time with certain procedures taking up to a year for your body to fully adjust and settle into its new look. When you come in for your consultation we can discuss your expected recovery period and any post-operative instructions in detail.
A: You can still gain weight after liposuction. Liposuction is not a replacement for good diet and exercise. If you gain weight after surgery due to excess caloric intake, fat accumulations will occur and are typically seen in the untreated areas. However, even the treated areas can expand if you ingest more calories than you need.
A: Liposuction does not cause your fat to go to untreated areas of the body. If you maintain your goal weight, you will not see any redistribution of fat because of liposuction. However, if you gain weight or experience hormonal changes (e.g. menopause) you may see an expansion of fat in different areas, but this would have occured even if you didn’t have liposuction.
A: Liposuction cannot remove a large amount of weight. This is because fat is not as heavy as other tissues. The typical amount of weight loss due to liposuction is only 6-12 lbs. Clearly, if weight loss is your main goal, you can expect that a good diet and appropriate exercise will result in significantly more weight loss than liposuction alone. We do offer weight managment programs at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center and we will recommend nutritional supplements to facilitate weight loss in selected patients.
A: Liposuction will not help loose/hanging folds of skin to shrink and disappear. Unfortunately, liposuction can actually make skin appear even looser if the skin is weak (e.g. poor elasticity from excess weight, stretch marks, etc.). In these cases, a skin excision procedure will be necessary to remove the excess skin. This can usually be determined prior to liposuction.
Dr. Adam Summers performs the Most Facelift a long lasting minimally invasive facelift procedure which he developed at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center. The Most Facelift is a customized variation of the Threadlift Face Lift (eg. Silk Lift, Aptos Lift, Featherlift, Soft Lift, Curl Lift). The Maryland Plastic Surgery Center is just minutes from Ellicott City, Towson, Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Annapolis, Baltimore, Columbia and Washington DC. Copyright 2007 Maryland Plastic Surgery - One Hour Threadlift Facelift in Maryland.