

Maryland Body Contouring Specialist - Dr. Summers

Baltimore, Annapolis

Changing the body’s appearance is often times more involved than just eating a well balanced diet and exercising regularly.  Even the strictest of diet and exercise regimens are sometimes not enough to eliminate fatty tissues stored in the body. And, for those who have already achieved significant weight loss, the resulting excess skin can only be removed through plastic surgery.

At the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center, we offer many different, safe, effective procedures that will assist you in achieving the body of your dreams.  The most frequently requested procedures are liposuction and tummy tuck in Maryland.  Liposuction is typically performed on individuals who have achieved an optimal weight and are within 20 pounds of their goal weight (note: this may not be your “ideal body weight” – rather, it is the weight you expect to be at for many years).

In patients who have achieved massive weight reductions either through diet and exercise alone or following gastric bypass or laparoscopic banding (Lap Band) surgery, significant excess skin is frequently a residual problem.  In this case, multiple procedures are typically undertaken, including: body liftbreast reduction, arm lift, and a thigh / buttock lift, breast augmentation in Maryland.  In some cases, some of the procedures may be combined.  However, Dr. Summers will not combine a body lift or abdominoplasty procedure with a thigh lift procedure due to concerns about healing.

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