Dr. Summers, at his plastic surgery Baltimore center, offers a variety of procedures, including a forehead lift (brow lift) procedure for his Annapolis and Baltimore patients. Dr. Summers actually offers 5 different types of brow lift procedures. With these options, Dr. Summers is able to achieve a natural, youthful brow appearance in any patient. The following paragraphs offer an explanation of this procedure.
Your eyebrows frame the most important feature on your face — your eyes. After all, your eyes are the window to your soul, and people connect with you through them! All eyes are beautiful, but sagging skin or abnormalities can detract from their beauty. A forehead lift at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center can make a dramatic difference in the entire look of your face. It can be one of the easiest ways to correct the facial problems that prevent you from putting your best face forward!
At the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Summers will lift your forehead and eyebrows upward and reposition them based on your desired results. The browlift procedure lifts any sagging skin and reduces wrinkles. Scars generally heal very well and are hidden by your hair. You may even shampoo the day after the operation. Frequently, forehead lift procedures are performed along with eyelid correction surgery (blepharoplasty), which actually removes excess skin and fatty folds in the upper eyelid.
There are five different approaches to lifting the forehead at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center:
For each of the following browlift procedures (except the Direct Browlift and the Threadlift Browlift) a drain is used to remove excess fluid. The drain is removed the day after the browlift. After the browlift, the forehead will be wrapped with a head dressing.
This is the “traditional” browlift procedure where a large incision is made across the top of the head from ear to ear. The entire front of the scalp and forehead are lifted. This procedure is reserved for individuals who have a “low set” brow and hairline. The procedure is done under a general anesthetic and takes about 90 minutes.
The most frequently performed type of brow lift performed by Dr. Summers at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center is with an incision right at the frontal hairline. This procedure elevates the eyebrows and eliminates forehead wrinkles without disturbing the hairline. This is a preferred method for individuals with a long forehead. The procedure is done under sedation or a general anesthetic and takes about 90 minutes.
In men with low-set eyebrows and pre-existing forehead wrinkles, a direct browlift can elevate the eyebrows. The incisions are made in the forehead and (when possible) designed to hide in the existing brow wrinkles. Excess skin is removed and the brow is directly elevated. Neither the hairline nor the forhead wrinkles are affected by this procedure. Typically, women are not candidates for this procedure. The procedure is done under a local anesthesia only and typically is completed in under an hour.
This is a “minimal incision” type of browlift procedure. With an Endoscopic Browlift, three small incisions are made in the hairline and small telescopes and instruments are inserted under the skin. The entire procedure is viewed on a monitor and the muscles are released. The wrinkles are eliminated and the brow is elevated. The procedure is usually performed under sedation or a general anesthetic. An endoscopic browlift takes between 1-2 hours.
Contour Threads (Aptos Threads) are used to raise the eyebrow. For each brow, a single one-inch incision is made in the scalp above the hairline. Through the incision, Contour Threads (Aptos Threads) are inserted to lift the brow. The procedure is completed in less than one hour under local anesthesia. Note: one week prior to the Threadlift Browlift, Botox will be administed to weaken the brow muscles – this is a requirement for the Threadlift Browlift.
A forehead lift is an outpatient procedure, so you can go home the same day. You will wear a headband for the first week after surgery. For 2-3 days following the operation, you will have some swelling, and your forehead will feel tight. Your eyelids may be bruised, but this can usually be covered with concealer. Patients generally experience less bruising with an endoscopic forehead lift than with eyelid correction surgery. You may experience a mild headache for the first couple of days after the surgery, for which you will receive a prescription. If you have a drain, it will be removed the day after surgery.
After one week your stitches will be removed and you can return to work. Your brows will be lifted slightly higher than you wish them to be in their final position. This is because they will drop somewhat as the tissues relax during the first few weeks after surgery. It is possible to permanently reduce the activity of the muscles in the brow (similar to having Botox injected, but with permanent results), so discuss if this is a desired outcome of the surgery.
In addition to helping brow lift patients, Dr. Summers offers other facial procedures at his cosmetic surgery center. Please visit these pages to learn how Dr. Summers helps Baltimore facelift, rhinoplasty, chin and cheek implant, eyelid lift and otoplasty, patients.
Click on a question below to see the answer.
A: It is very common to have an upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) at the same time as a browlift. Although some surgeons do not perform these procedures concurrently, Dr. Summers has performed these combined procedures for over ten years with excellent results.
Other procedures, such as a lower eyelid lift, facelift, and neck lift may be performed concurrently.
A: Due to the variety of procedures available in plastic surgery, there can be no blanket rule on age although age will be taken into consideration when planning your operation. People of all ages have taken advantage of the image-enhancement offered by plastic surgery. There are even procedures appropriate for young children! It is important to realize the limitations of plastic surgery. Plastic surgery cannot “fix” every situation or reverse the aging process. What is a good procedure for one person may not be an appropriate procedure for another. We are committed to making your plastic surgery experience a successful one.
A: During your consultation we will discuss your desired changes and expectations, review your medical history and current health, and make an assessment on whether the procedure(s) in question are right for you. This is a good time to ask specific questions about the procedure so that you are fully prepared, mentally and emotionally, for surgery. We will discuss the results that can be achieved, with the aid of photos and/or computer imaging. When a final decision is made, you will need to sign an informed consent stating that you are fully aware and understand what is entailed by your pending operation, including the potential complications and secondary effects.
A: Bruising and swelling are likely with a coronal, hairline (trichal) and endoscopic browlift. Following these procedures, you will need to wear a compressive headstrap for one week to help prevent fluid collections.
After a direct browlift, the suture line will be visible. The incision will take some time to fade and is typically noticable for several weeks (or months). After full healing, the incision typically fades into the background.
Following a Threadlift browlift, the eyebrows may appear slightly high for about one week, otherwise there is usually very little downtime (note: you must be very careful not to press on the forehead for one month to prevent loosening of the Threadlift threads).
A: Insurance providers generally cover some or all of the costs for reconstructive surgery but not for cosmetic surgery. For example, insurance providers will often pay for eyelid surgery to remove sagging skin that blocks vision. Since brow ptosis (sagging of the eyebrows) can directly cause eyelid sagging and subsequent visual field obstruction, it is possible that your insurance may help pay for a browlift procedure at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center. If your browlift is covered by insurance, pre-certification may be required. We will be happy to assist you with the process.
Note: Patients are personally responsible for their entire surgical and facility fee. In most cases, insurance reimbursement (if available) will only partially cover these fees – patients should not expect to obtain full reimbursement.
A: The type of the anesthesia varies with each procedure. For some procedures, only local anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous (IV) sedation is needed. This method will allow you to be awake, but insensitive to any pain. In more complex procedures, general anesthesia is needed and you will be asleep during the entire procedure. The following anesthetics are typically recommended for each listed procedure:
Type of Browlift | Type of Anesthesia |
Coronal | General |
Trichal (Hairline) | General |
Direct | Local |
Endoscopic | General |
Threadlift | Local |
A: Maryland Plastic Surgery is Maryland’s premiere cosmetic surgery center and medical spa. The Center’s director, Dr. Adam Summers, is an expert cosmetic surgeon who uses advanced techniques to achieve natural looking results. Just 15 minutes from Baltimore, Howard County (Columbia) and Annapolis, the Center specializes in tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentation, breast lift, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and facelift procedures. © Baltimore Maryland Plastic Surgery Center and Medical Spa.
Dr. Adam Summers performs the Most Facelift a long lasting minimally invasive facelift procedure which he developed at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center. The Most Facelift is a customized variation of the Threadlift Face Lift (eg. Silk Lift, Aptos Lift, Featherlift, Soft Lift, Curl Lift). The Maryland Plastic Surgery Center is just minutes from Ellicott City, Towson, Rockville, Silver Spring, Bethesda, Annapolis, Baltimore, Columbia and Washington DC. Copyright 2007 Maryland Plastic Surgery - One Hour Threadlift Facelift in Maryland.