Chin and Cheek Implants

Chin and Cheek Implants

Baltimore, Maryland Chin and Cheek Implant Surgery

Dr. Adam Summers

Baltimore cheek and chin implant patients have been visiting Dr. Summers at his Maryland Plastic Surgery Center for years to enhance their facial profiles. The following paragraphs offer detailed explanations about the different procedures.


High cheekbones and a strong jaw line are frequently desired by patients.  Along with the eyes, the cheekbones and jaw line form the most photogenic aspects of the face.  Chin and cheek implants are a great way to enhance your facial profile by improving the overall proportion and balance of the face. 

With facial implants the symmetry of the face can be shaped and contoured.  Cheek implants (malarplasty), also known as malar (high cheek) or submalar (low cheek) augmentation, can add fullness and definition to the face.  Chin implants (mentoplasty) can redefine the profile of the face.  Utilizing permanent chin and cheek implants can create a rejuvenated, youthful facial apearance. With a more prominent chin or higher cheekbones, your face will appear more attractive and in better balance to your nose, eyes, and forehead.  Friends may notice you look better but will not be able to pinpoint exactly why!

At the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Summers performs cheek and chin augmentation procedures with implants to alter the shape of your cheeks and chin without affecting your current bone structure. The implants are made from various materials that have been used successfully for many years. Other forms of augmentation, such as collagen injections, fat grafts, or bone grafts are possible depending upon the result you seek.

Procedure Goals:

  • Extend or enlarge the chin if the chin is recessed or small.
  • Create a more defined facial profile if the jaw, chin, or cheeks lack distinction.
  • Bring the various aspects of the face into proportion.
  • Round out the cheeks if they are hollow due to heredity or aging.
  • Improve your cheeks if they are flat or sunken.
  • Accent the upper cheeks making them appear higher and fuller.

The Procedure:

At the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center, a local anesthetic is typically used for these surgeries, which means you will be awake for the procedure but will feel no pain. Optionally, you may request a sedative to make you drowsy, in which case you should arrange for someone else to drive you home. 

Chin Implant:

Dr. Summers hides the scars by making an incision inside your lower lip or under your chin. The implant is then placed in the proper location inside your chin in front of the jawbone , and the incisions are stitched.

Cheek Implants:

With cheek augmentation, incisions are made either inside the mouth, through the lower cheek, or directly below the bottom eyelid on the high cheek. Most commonly, the incisions are made using dissolving stitches inside the mouth so that the scars are hidden. 

Both chin and cheek implant procedures normally take anywhere from one-half to two hours.


Cheek and chin augmentation or implants are outpatient procedures at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center. Immediately after surgery, the face will be fitted with bandages, taped, or otherwise secured in order to speed the recovery process and to reduce swelling. Keeping the head elevated during the initial recovery phase is also important. Patients may experience some swelling and bruising of the face which can be eased by using cold compresses.  A liquid diet may be required for a few days, as chewing may be difficult.

Most patients are able to return to work just days after their chin implant or cheek implant surgery. You can exercise or engage in other strenuous activities after two weeks.  For an incision inside the mouth, dissolving sutures are used.  If the incision is under your chin, the stitches will have to be removed after one week. You may experience some tightness, bruising, and swelling for a couple of weeks after the procedure. Pain medication will be subscribed to relieve any discomfort, and elevating the head, as well as applying ice packs, can also bring relief.  You may have difficulty smiling and talking for the first few days.  You will see the final result of implant procedures after all of the swelling resolves (from one to three months after surgery).  Implants may feel strange for a period of time, and you may experience a few odd sensations such as tingling.

Some patients find that their chin implant or cheek implants significantly changes the shape of their face.  Because this can take some getting used to, Dr. Summers usually recommends that any modification of existing implants only be undertaken after one year.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chin & Cheek Implants:

Click on a question below to see the answer.

A: Multiple facial contouring procedures are commonly performed at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center.  For example, it is appropriate to have chin, jaw and/or cheek implants simultaneously.  Other procedures, such as a rhinoplasty and/or a minimally invasive facelift or cheek lift may be safely performed concurrently.

A: Full facial development should be completed prior to contemplating facial structure changes with implants.  An exception is made when the chin is retruded – in this case a young teenager may benefit tremendously by having a chin implant placed.

A: During your consultation we will discuss your desired changes and expectations, review your medical history and current health, and make an assessment on whether the procedure(s) in question are right for you.  This is a good time to ask specific questions about the procedure so that you are fully prepared, mentally and emotionally, for surgery.  We will discuss the results that can be achieved, with the aid of photos and/or computer imaging.  When a final decision is made, you will need to sign an informed consent stating that you are fully aware and understand what is entailed by your pending operation, including the potential complications and secondary effects.

A: Typically, there are no bruises from facial implant surgery.  However, swelling is very common and can take weeks (or even months) to fully resolve.  Because the implants are usually secured with either sutures or a screw, it will be difficult to accidently displace the implant.  However, the incisions inside the mouth must be treated with care.  It is possible to disrupt the sutures, resulting in an infection of the implant.  After about 2 weeks, these incisions will be healed.

A: The type of the anesthesia varies with each procedure.  For some procedures (e.g. chin augmentation), only local anesthesia is used.  With other procedures (e.g. cheek augmentation), a light intravenous (IV) sedation is typically used – this method allows you to be awake, but insensitive to any pain.  In more complex procedures (e.g. multiple implants and/or combined procedures), a general anesthesia is typically used and you will be asleep during the entire procedure.

A: Maryland Plastic Surgery is Maryland’s premiere cosmetic surgery center and medical spa. The Center’s director, Dr. Adam Summers, is an expert cosmetic surgeon who uses advanced techniques to achieve natural looking results.  Just 15 minutes from BaltimoreHoward County (Columbia) and Annapolis, the Center specializes in tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), breast augmentationbreast liftliposuctionrhinoplastytummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and facelift procedures. © Baltimore Maryland Plastic Surgery Center and Medical Spa.