Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction

Baltimore, Maryland Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Dr. Adam Summers

From his premier Baltimore plastic surgery facility, Dr. Summers helps Maryland gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) patients restore a more masculine appearance. Following, the male breast reduction procedure is explained, including goals and recovery times.

Breast development in a man, technically known as gynecomastia, is frequently a source of embarrassment. Dr. Summers can perform a variety of different procedures at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center to alleviate this problem. The excess breast tissue can develop at any time after the beginning of puberty. Some young men (teenagers) find that they are unable to participate in social activities without being teased. Even older, self-confident men are prone to dislike the appearance of their chest if excess breast tissue and/or skin is present.

A male breast reduction procedure at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center can usually be performed through a small incision high in the under-arm. Through this incision, Dr. Summers performs tumsecent and ultrasonic liposuction to remove much of the excess tissue.  Once healing is complete the scar is usually completely obscured by hair, so there may be no sign that the condition had ever existed.

Occassionally, dense breast tissue is present which cannot be removed by liposuction alone.  In this case, an incision around the areola may be utilized to remove some of the excess dense breast tissue.  Again, because many men have hair on their chest, this incision may be completely hidden.

In cases where men have experienced significant weight loss and there is excess skin hanging from the chest, a breast reduction procedure may be required to smooth the appearance of the chest.  Although the resulting scars may be visible when shirtless, the ability to wear clothing without having folds of skin showing through the clothing presents a reasonable trade-off for many men.

Male gynecomastia breast reduction surgery typically costs between $3,000 – $7,000 at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center.  The variability in price reflects the different breast reduction techniques which Dr. Summers utilizes – the specific technique which will be used for your breast reduction will be discussed at the time of your evaluation.

The fees include all of the following: facility fee at the Maryland Plastic Surgery Center, anesthesia with a board certified anesthesiologist, surgeon’s fee, and all office visits.

The only other expenses you will incur are pharmacy related for prescription medications (antibiotics and pain medication) and laboratory related for routine blood tests prior to your breast reduction surgery.  Patients who are over 40 years of age or who have pre-existing medical conditions will also need to have a medical clearance, which includes an EKG and additional bood tests.

In addition to performing male breast reduction surgery, Dr. Summers offers other body procedures at his Baltimore cosmetic surgery center. Please visit these pages to learn how Dr. Summers helps Baltimore tummy tuckliposuction, and breast implants and buttock lift patients.

Frequently Asked Questions About Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia):

Click on a question below to see the answer.

A: It is a relatively common practice for a plastic surgeon to perform multiple procedures during one operation.  This allows the surgeon to better “sculpt” your final appearance.  In addition, having several procedures done simultaneously saves you the expense of paying the operating room and anesthesia costs more than once.  However, having too much done at one time can lead to complications.  The decision to have multiple procedures done depends on which procedures are being done, the extent of surgery, the operating time, and your age/health.  Ultimately, the surgeon decides whether or not it is appropriate to include more than one procedure in your operation.

A: Due to the variety of procedures available in plastic surgery, there can be no blanket rule on age although age will be taken into consideration when planning your operation.  People of all ages have taken advantage of the image-enhancement offered by plastic surgery.  There are even procedures appropriate for young children!  It is important to realize the limitations of plastic surgery.  Plastic surgery cannot “fix” every situation or reverse the aging process.  What is a good procedure for one person may not be an appropriate procedure for another.  We are committed to making your plastic surgery experience a successful one.

A: During your consultation we will discuss your desired changes and expectations, review your medical history and current health, and make an assessment on whether the procedure(s) in question are right for you.  This is a good time to ask specific questions about the procedure so that you are fully prepared, mentally and emotionally, for surgery.  We will discuss the results that can be achieved, with the aid of photos and/or computer imaging.  When a final decision is made, you will need to sign an informed consent stating that you are fully aware and understand what is entailed by your pending operation, including the potential complications and secondary effects.

A: Generally, post-operative instructions call for rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and recovery time.  The length of recovery varies with each procedure and is different for each individual.  Bruises usually disappear within a few days, and most swelling is gone in a matter of weeks.  If you follow our post-operative instructions carefully, you will be able to enjoy your normal activities within no time.  Your scars will fade over time but are permanent.  We take care to conceal any scars so that they are barely visible, if at all.  The image-enhancing effects of plastic surgery become more evident over time with certain procedures taking up to a year for your body to fully adjust and settle into its new look.  When you come in for your consultation we can discuss your expected recovery period and any post-operative instructions in detail.

A: In selected cases, insurance companies may partially reimburse the expenses incurred for a male gynecomastia procedure.  Please check with your individual insurance plan to see if they provide any coverage for this type of procedure.  If coverage is available, our office will assist you in obtaining pre-authorization and with submission of your claims. 

Please note that each patient is personally responsible for pre-paying the full cost of the procedure prior to the day of surgery even if insurance reimbursement is expected.

The reimbursed amount should be paid directly to you by your insurance company.  If we receive any payment from your insurance company, we will forward the full amount to you.

A: The type of the anesthesia varies with each procedure.  For some procedures, only local anesthesia or local anesthesia with intravenous (IV) sedation is needed.  This method will allow you to be awake, but insensitive to any pain.  In more complex procedures, general anesthesia is needed and you will be asleep during the entire procedure.  The anesthesia used in your operation will depend on the type and extent of the procedure(s), your age, and the surgeon’s preference.


Maryland Plastic Surgery is Maryland’s premiere cosmetic surgery center and medical spa. The Center’s director, Dr. Adam Summers, is an expert cosmetic surgeon who uses advanced techniques to achieve natural looking results.  Just 15 minutes from Baltimore, Howard County (Columbia) and Annapolis, the Center specializes in tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)breast augmentationbreast liftliposuctionrhinoplastytummy tuck (abdominoplasty) and facelift procedures. © Baltimore Maryland Plastic Surgery Center and Medical Spa.